Hiding behind a monumental gate on Brusselsestraat is the Cellebroeders chapel, one of Maastricht's most hidden monuments. The chapel offers, with phenomenal acoustics, a perfect setting for our chamber music concerts.
Cellebroederstraat, 6211 PC Maastricht
Parking is limited at the Brusselsestraat. That's why you can park best at the Q-park garage under the Vrijthof (5 minute walk) or at the Q-park parking lot at the Cabergerweg (9 minute walk). The hourly fees for these parking possibilities are:
Q-Park Vrijthof: € 3,53
Q-Park Cabergerweg: € 1,43
You find up-to-date information about the accessibility and parking possibilities of Maastricht at maastrichtbereikbaar.nl.
Public transport
The Cellebroederskapel is accessible from Station Maastricht with city busses; city bus 3 direction Wolder and city bus 4 direction Caberg - Pottenberg, get off at Vrijthof and city bus 1 direction De Heeg - Malberg and city bus 2 direction De Heeg - Oud Caberg, get off at Koningin Emmaplein. For up-to-date times, prices and routes of the public transport, we refer to 9292.nl.