Introdans | Het Nationale Ballet | Scapino Ballet Rotterdam | NDT


Introdans | Het Nationale Ballet | Scapino Ballet Rotterdam | NDT


Dutch dance is rich in diversity. During Meesterwerken, this richness can be experienced in its full breadth, because this is the only time of year when 'our' top dance companies can be admired on one stage. You will see Nederlands Dans Theater, Het Nationale Ballet, Introdans and Scapino Ballet Rotterdam together on one stage.

Legendary works by the world's best choreographers, performed by the best of Dutch dance companies.

Het Nationale Ballet | Lars de Vos - Burden
In this work, ISH dancer Lars de Vos presents a form of movement that values both ballet and popping and combines them in a beautiful way. His Burden is about two brothers, the youngest of whom has more talent than the oldest. Stymied by his pride, the older brother does not know how to deal with this, and his 'burden' inevitably leads to conflict.

Introdans | Sol León & Paul Lightfoot - SH-BOOM!
Choreographer duo Paul Lightfoot and Sol León drew inspiration for SH-BOOM! from satirical black-and-white drawings by Spanish painter Francisco de Goya. They masterfully combine dark (irony) and light sides (humour) of life. SH-BOOM! transports you to a theatrical palace of mirrors, where the ladies dance in flouncy dresses and the men stand in their underwear.   

NDT | Hofesh Shechter - Clowns
Clowns (2016), the first work choreographer Hofesh Shechter created for NDT, explores the complexity of life, the struggle for shared values and the raw, human desire for liberation. Experience the energetic intensity of a choreography that revolves around both light and darkness, as opposing but inseparable life forces.

Scapino Ballet Rotterdam | Ed Wubbe - Le Chat Noir
In Le Chat Noir, the eponymous, illustrious Parisian theatre pub circa 1900 is revived in a vibrant mix of music, dance, and variety. Behind the flamboyant performers and brilliance of theatre life, there is also loneliness and past glory. Vibrant group pieces to operatesque music and a new version of the cancan alternate with emotional solos to music by Brel and Piaf.

Sat 5 Oct 2024
Theater aan het Vrijthof:
20:00 - 22:00 / 1 pause
Band A € 45
Band B € 40
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Nederlandse Dansdagen - Meesterwerken Nederlandse Dansdagen - Meesterwerken Nederlandse Dansdagen - Meesterwerken Nederlandse Dansdagen - Meesterwerken


Sjoerd Derine