Dubbelbloed #2
Wies Bloemen / Danstheater AYA
After a journey of 4,125 km, Ali arrives in the ‘free’ Netherlands. Here, there is no war and no disappearances when going to sleep, no fear waking up in the morning. Here, they are free. And welcoming?
In Double Blood #2, dancer and performer Ali Zanad shows what it is like to leave your country of birth. A journey made out of necessity, marked by pain and loss. As Iraqi refugee, he arrives in the Netherlands. From Baghdad to Brabant. The customs and traditions are so different compared to his home country. This causes friction and leads to comical situations. During the performance we get to know Ali and Iraq better. Because what do the Dutch actually know about the 'cradle of civilization' and why is there so much war there? Singer Karima el Fillali questions, counteracts and frames Zanad’s story with Arabic and Western songs. A story about running away and coming home, building your life in a strange land and all the trials and tribulations that are part of this.
Double Blood #2 is a journey of discovery in which there's no need for a passport to enjoy borderless dance and music.
Children € 9
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Concept and DIRECTION Wies Bloemen
Choreography Wies Bloemen and Ali Zanad
DANCE, PERFORMANCE AND VOCALS Ali Zanad, Karima el Fillali
MuSIC Mark Nieuwenhuis
COSTUMES Isis Vaandrager
Decor AnD liGHT DESIGN Erik van Raalte
DramaturgY Flora Verbrugge
ArtistiC assistent Anne Suurendonk
LiGht AND SOUND Yannick Bruine de Bruin