Dehors est blanc (theaterreis naar Hasselt)


Dehors est blanc (theaterreis naar Hasselt)


For the performance and visual art installation Dehors est blanc, Tumbleweed chose to choreograph in the air. The young dance company continues their exploration and research into the loss of grip, confusion and awareness of the space of movement in an original way.

Suspended above a light object, three dancing bodies gradually dissolve in the empty space. They bear witness to the transience of things and hunt together for ‘that other place’, which keeps fading and dissolving. The title Dehors est blanc refers to the expression ‘blanc dehors’, or ‘whiteout’, an optical, meteorological phenomenon in which all contrast is absent and everything seems surrounded by a uniform white glow. This results in a loss of depth and sense of direction.

“Between circus and dance, some of the best I've seen recently.”

Laurent Pitsi
(Cultuurcentrum Hasselt)

Tue 13 May 2025
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Price € 26
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13.05.2025 - Tumbleweed - Dehors est blanc (c) Stanislav Dobak (4).jpg 13.05.2025 - Tumbleweed - Dehors est blanc (c) Arnaud Gerniers (3).jpg 13.05.2025 - Tumbleweed - Dehors est blanc (c) Arnaud Gerniers.jpg 13.05.2025 - Tumbleweed - Dehors est blanc (c) Stanislav Dobak (1).jpg


Arnaud Gerniers, Stanislav Dobak