Het Feest van de Zwaan

Cappella Pratensis & Sollazzo Ensemble

Het Feest van de Zwaan

Cappella Pratensis & Sollazzo Ensemble

Two outstanding early music ensembles take you back to 's-Hertogenbosch in the Renaissance. With its abundance of churches and monasteries, the city (often nicknamed ‘little Rome’) possessed a magnificent choir and was the center of musical practice in the Low Lands.

It was also the birthplace of the Illustre Lieve Vrouwe Brotherhood, founded by the local clergy in honour of Mary. At their annual banquet, they were on the lookout for a special delicacy: a swan. A member of the nobility, who in return was allowed to bear the name Swan Brother, usually donated this. With the Sollazzo Ensemble as its musical band, Cappella Pratensis invites you to a tasty return trip to the Renaissance.

In collaboration with Organisatie Oude Muziek.

Sat 30 Nov 2024
Sint Janskerk
20:30 - 21:45
Price € 29
Classical - Vocal
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Kyrie (from: Missa ‘Ick had een boelken uutvercoren’)

Song: Ick had een boelken uutvercoren

Sanctus (from: Missa ‘Fors seulement’)

Chanson: Fors seulement

Agnus Dei (from: Missa ‘Mijns liefkens bruijn ooghen’)

Song: Mijns liefkens bruijn ooghen

Cappella Pratensis
Tim Braithwaite, Andrew Hallock 
Altus Lior Leibovici 
Tenor Peter de Laurentiis 
Bassus Marc Busnel 
Artistic director Stratton Bull

Sollazzo Ensemble
vihuela d’arco Filipa Meneses
Flute Mara Winter
lute Christoph Sommer
Artistic director, vihuela d’arco Anna Danilevskaia

Photography Eduardus Lee