The melancholic love drama Unseen is this season’s new performance by the Jakop Ahlbom Company. In the unique, visual style of Lebensraum, Horror en SYZYGY.
An unhappy lady who can’t shake off the past. A husband who feels frustrated and lonely. A quiet burglar who spends the night in empty houses. The arrival of the burglar puts even more pressure on the couple’s strained relationship. It makes them realise what is truly valuable. Only once the burglar becomes completely invisible, do they have a chance of real love.
Unseen is partly inspired by the Korean film ‘Bin Jip’. It reveals Ahlbom’s passion for parallel worlds. This performance is physical, poetic and full of humor, just like Lebensraum.
Band A € 22.50
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'And just as you come to think the dynamic choreography has reached its ultimate crescendo, another surprise follows. Lebensraum keeps on surprising until the very last minute.'
Jakop Ahlbom, Silke Hundertmark, Reinier Schimmel
Bart Grietens, Leon Hendrickx en Studio Minsk